Scouts and Guides

Our Scouts – Ambedkar Scout Troop

Scouting is a movement that aims to support young people in their physical, mental and spiritual development with a strong focus on the survival skills in such a way that they play constructive roles in the society. Scouts spend time together in small groups with shared experiences, rituals and activities. This emphasizes good citizenship and decision-making in youngsters. Camps occur a few times in a year and may involve several groups from a local area or region camping together for a weekend. The enrolment in Scout Movement strengthens the personality of the students and helps them imbibe a sense of social responsibility. They become disciplined and courageous and are in the forefront during critical times.

Our Guides – Trustee Vasanthalakshmi Guide Company

Guide movement aims to support the young girls and help them prepare themselves for one of the most stimulating and challenging experiences of life. The students who enrol in the Guide Company become trustworthy, loyal, friendly, courteous, disciplined, and courageous. Their thoughts, words and deeds focus on community service. Character development, health, handicraft and service to others become a part of their life.

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